Your body has been legally claimed by the Government. It is the only way that they can tax you, take your children, put you in a cage for taking drugs. They claim your body by getting you to use the Legal Name, which they own. Excerpts from an interview by Sarah Westall.
Legal Ownership of Your Body by Clusta Head
Who Legally Owns You, the Country, & Your Assets w/ John Singleton
by Sarah Westall Article: Who Legally Owns You, the Country, & Your Assets w/ John Singleton
Who is Behind the Bonds and Your Enslavement? You can see some of the instruments used to create bond documents and then watch the two-part video on how to locate CUSIP numbers.
If you have a social security number, you cannot be a U.S. Citizen (there is no such thing) and you have no nationality, and you are a resident alien and defined as an enemy of the state where you live. In other words, you are a resident alien because the assignment of the SSN caused your person (your legal identity) to be trafficked into an internal revenue trust in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico or the American Samoa. You are not a citizen of any country, or a national, you are the property of the United States, a franchise of the East India Trading Co. and your person is being held inside one of these “city-states” or districts: The money you pay in taxes, any tax, is being collected against you, not as a tax, but a tribute for the church known as the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. The church is forcing you to pay tribute for the exercise of your intangible property rights, collecting against you through traffic courts, state agencies, IRS, etc. See its website here, It’s an agency of the Pope and you can see how it has an arrangement with the associations that comprise the United States, in which the so-called states are nothing but lieutenancies (agencies) of the church, to get your property and give it to the church through the Lawyer’s Guild. Here is one example: Notice how the “states” are grouped together as a collection of districts, or an agent (lieutenancy of the church), with the sole purpose to extract money from people who live there as resident aliens, people without a nation. Here is how you discover the individual behind each of the fifty “states” that is responsible for running this system (everything from traffic tickets to family court taking children), search the Internet for the phrase “Most Worshipful Grand Master” and then add in the name of your state (here is the one for New York, and this is the one for California The governor and attorney general’s offices of your state answer to the “Most Worshipful Master” of that state (which is nothing but a private membership association). People without a nation have no rights because they have no obligations under any social compact (Law of Nations). The Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution are not the laws that run the United States. The United States operates under a foreign monarch, the Pope and under Napoleonic code and ecclesiastical Law (canons). The one thing that saves people if they understand about nationality, is the Law of Nations. You can get a free copy via searching the Internet for the PDF version of it, it’s about 900 pages long. This system of private associations and the church is using the intangible property rights of people who have no nationality (e.g. people who think they are U.S. Citizens) to fund the world’s most insidious and pernicious criminal enterprises, most of which include human trafficking, trafficking of persons, war crimes and wars, drug running and weapons trafficking, just to name a few. How do you stop participating? Stop using an SSN for your banking and credit needs. The rich and famous have been using secondary credit files and fictitious names for decades so they can keep their privacy. See here 2015-1#natalie-portman--natalie-herschlag-6. It’s easy to do, just send a request to [email protected] and ask about the CPN or secondary credit file (SCN). This is also mentioned on the FBI and Freddie Mac websites where it is explained as a legal and acceptable practice, and the same rules apply. You are still responsible for debts and you cannot use the CPN to defraud anyone, but you can use it for privacy and to get a fresh start with your credit. If you think you are a U.S. Citizen, declare your residency in The United States of America, take the oath, join your state assembly and bring your property and property rights, such as cars, houses, etc. into The U.S.A. and that will remove you from the bond system and for each of you that do, it will remove billions of dollars of laundered and stolen money from this evil system. You can then join the trade unions for your profession and even form your own township. Get started by reading this article, The American National, at Use encryption for the ownership of your property and money, such as crypto-graphic currency and structuring such as with trust organizations and limited liability companies instead of personal bank accounts and owning property in your name.
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