This is only beginner level tutorials. You will advance very fast once you gather the concept of buying Bitcoin / Cryptocurrencies. You will look back and think this level is just cutting your teeth learning.
UPDATE as of 1.30.2021
You are going to need to open what is called a CoinBase Account
(Like opening a checking account.) Below is the information on Coinbase...
Do you have a Coinbase Account?
(Creating a Coinbase Account is Like Opening a Bank Account) Create one click here
Quick Overview of Coinbase and Buying Bitcoin / Cryptocurrencies
How to Set up the New Coinbase Account (This is just the basics and each setup will be different due to Coinbase Upgrades.)
Click the Banner to Setup You Coinbase Account
and WE BOTH EARN $10 in Bitcoin. The catch is you have to buy $100 worth of Bitcoin.
You have created a Coinbase Account
(Your checking account) As you go through your Coinbase account you can see you can purchase Bitcoin and OTHER Cryptocurrencies. What WHICH ONES do you purchase? Get acclimate with Bitcoin and then when you comprehend just how to purchase your Bitcoin, and Cryptocurrencies "Digital Assets" from the Coinbase EXCHANGE (remember this word, EXCHANGE) you will also be able to comprehend how to purchase other cryptocurrencies "Digital Assets". Think of Digital Assets like you were hold cash only cryptocurrencies are electronic. How ofter do you use your debit/credit card? This is "Electronic Money". Like Cash you are going to need a wallet? Coinbase is and Exchange. NEVER HOLD YOUR CRYPTOCURRENCY ON AN EXCHANGE. Repeat after me, "You Don't Hold Your Cryptocurrencies... YOU DON'T OWN THEM" Get your "Electronic Money" off the Exchange! Your cryptocurrencies need to be put in a safe place. Think of your safe place like your savings account only we are going to call this a wallet. Like you have dollars in your wallet only these are electronic. To hold electronic currencies you will need something like an Exodus Wallet. Think of Exodus as your savings account, only it is digital. Continue on below to set up an Exodus Wallet...
Coinbase Account Setup (like your bank account) ready to deposit funds converting to purchase Bitcoin / Cryptocurrencies...
Coinbase is an Exchange to Purchase Bitcoin / Cryptocurrencies. It is also a Wallet.
REMEMBER: If you don't hold your private keys (your funds) you don't own them. Where is an easy place to put your Cryptocurrencies?... There are many places but I used the Exodus Wallet.
The following videos are by Exodus.
Think of these videos as a tutorial introduction to familiarize yourself with the platform.
You have gotten through the basics but there is still so much to learn.
Andreas M. Antonopoulos is "Mr. Bitcoin". He is very Famous in the Cryptocurrency Community. He gives classes and goes more in depth from what I just shared. You can call me for further assistance or here is a LINK where you can go to his website and learn more!
Let's recap...
Seem I Forgot #3... NOT.!
What platforms do you use to Follow Your Cryptocrrencies?
These are the Platforms I Use
to Follow My Cryptocurrencies
Go to TradingView CLICK HERE
Go to CoinGecko CLICK HERE
Cryptocurrencies by Market Capitalization... Video explanations:
CoinMarketCap Beginners Tutorial by Paul Hardingham
Continuing Cryptocurrency Education
These are college level courses and information from credited individuals in the finance world click here
If you don't feel comfortable doing this whole Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Setup and Investing by Yourself, here is a resource >>I LOVE<<,
"Jeff with Caleb & Brown" Be sure to let him know Joanna MaGrath with referred you.
From this point going down are entities I promote as an Affiliate Marketer.
If you found any of this information helpful PLEASE Help Support KryptoKids whereby I can go full time building it out!... Thank you, Joanna MaGrath
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